2023, septiembre

202325sep(sep 25)00:0028(sep 28)23:59Airspace Integration Week Madrid00:00 - 23:59 (28) Ifema (Madrid) Avenida Partenón, 5, 28042 Madrid, Ifema (Madrid) Avenida Partenón, 5, 28042 Madrid

Detalles del evento

WHAT’S AI WEEK MADRID? Airspace Integration Week Madrid, is the only event of its kind, showcasing all facets of airspace integration and therefore including ATM, UTM, STM, and a transversal area of civil-military cooperation. WHAT’S ON? The four-day conference features exhibits, live demonstrations, programming, networking, and professional development. WHEN? AI[..]


25 (Lunes) 00:00 - 28 (Jueves) 23:59


Ifema (Madrid) Avenida Partenón, 5, 28042 Madrid

Ifema (Madrid) Avenida Partenón, 5, 28042 Madrid

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